Time is a precious commodity to use wisely

Simon Harrison

Simon Harrison

2 min read – 

Lockdown is continuing and no one really knows how long for. But in this brave new world, as business owners quite rightly worry about employees and turnover, one of the positive things we have been gifted with is time. Time is a precious commodity which is usually in short supply and we need to spend it wisely.


With many of our clients, one of the biggest obstacles to making things happen is their time. We will almost always need a level of commitment from them, whether it’s for a website project, a new company video or some technical support on new content.

Like many agencies, our business model focusses on helping our clients to grow – if they grow we succeed, which reflects positively on us – so in theory it’s a win-win for both parties.

Be careful what you wish for

At the moment, there are many businesses cutting back on key activities as they come to terms with furloughing and reduced demand. That I guess is the price to pay for wishing for more time. And in their case, it seems the old adage is true…be careful what you wish for!

However, for companies that are in a position to take stock, revisit their long-term strategy and perhaps have cash in the bank, now is a fabulous opportunity to use some time to get ahead of their competition. Life WILL return to some kind of norm, and you need to be ready… but your chance is now.

We have had prospects we have been in discussions with for literally years say to us in the last few weeks, ok, let’s get this going, as they have realised there is an opportunity to capitalise on.

Nothing to pay

If you want a new website, or need to revisit your content, or it’s time for you to jump on the video steamroller, why not get in touch. All our projects start with a discussion, so there’s no commitment and nothing to pay.

Like many others, we’re uncertain about the months to follow. But confidence in the future is what will get many businesses through. And to have confidence you need a plan and that most precious of commodities – time.

If you’d like to talk to us about your changing marketing requirements, please get in touch simon@thecollectivegroup.co.uk or telephone 01202 682322

5 tips to filming at home

Simon Harrison

Simon Harrison

2 min read –

Filming at home – we’re all doing it at the moment! Admittedly no-one expects you to be an expert, and to be honest, it’s the content that people are interested in. However, the viewer does need to be able to hear what you say and at least watch your video without feeling seasick!

So, here are a few tips to making sure you get the best results you can:

And if you’d like to talk to us about your filming requirements, please get in touch simon@thecollectivegroup.co.uk or telephone 01202 682322

Support Contract with Iracroft

Simon Harrison

Simon Harrison

3 min read –

We are delighted to confirm we have signed a partnership deal with Iracroft Ltd, to provide them with marketing support for the next 12 months.

The partnership will see us undertake all of Iracroft’s marketing activities at an important time for them, as their company continues its growth and development. We have recently produced a marketing strategy for Iracroft, and the conclusions from this will shape future marketing activity.   

The marketing arrangement will be conducted through our innovative credit-based support initiative, whereby companies have the option of using credits against any of our marketing services. This provides the flexibility of choosing the right marketing activity at the right time and allowing the cost to be spread over a 12-month period.

Iracroft, which has manufacturing facilities in Blandford and Poole, was recently included on the list of Dorset’s top growing companies. The company manufactures metal pipes and tube fabricated products for a wide range of industrial applications. As part of the longer-term business strategy, the company has decided to increase its marketing activities to reflect its development into new markets, and its strengthening position within the construction and mining equipment sectors.          

Our MD James Howes is excited with the partnership, and commented:

“At such a challenging time for all businesses, we are thrilled to be able to start helping Iracroft with their marketing. It’s so important for companies to understand that now is the time for them to be working on their marketing ready for when life returns to normal, and we have already got an action plan in place to help Iracroft raise their profile, and hopefully steal an advantage on their competitors”.     

Darren Colley, Iracroft’s Managing Director, is looking forward to developing new marketing material, in line with the marketing strategy The Collective recently produced for Iracroft, and commented:

“We are focused on delivering on our ambitious growth targets, and marketing will play a key role in how we achieve this. The Collective have proven themselves already to be a key partner and I am confident in their ability to deliver the level of support we require to achieve our objectives. I am excited to be working with Simon and the team.” 

If you’d like to throw some ideas around on what you could be doing with your marketing right now, or just talk through your thoughts on preparing your company for when the lockdown is over, please don’t hesitate to contact us at team@thecollectivegroup.co.uk or telephone 01202 682322.

Business Almost As Usual

Business Almost As Usual

Simon Harrison

Simon Harrison

2 min read – 

In a period of unprecedented uncertainty and concern for many, we wish our colleagues, customers and friends the best of health, and the strength and resilience to come through this unscathed.

We shall be continuing to help and support all our customers. Our office is closed to visitors, to respect the Government’s ‘social distancing’ policies, however we continue to operate by providing remote support, either via email, telephone or video messaging services such as Skype, Facebook messenger etc.

It is at times of disruption such as this, that we look for positives. Once the initial confusion has passed, and companies have put revised working practices in place, it is expected business owners attentions will turn to making sure they are ready for when life returns to normal. We can all expect a surge in activity and enthusiasm when people return safely to work and as a business owner you need to make sure your public profile and your brand are working for you not against you.

A great example of this is your website. If you have been putting off redeveloping and modernising  your website, now is the time to start that exercise, so in three months it is ready to launch. Or, if you have been considering revising your logo to reflect your company as it is today, then take advantage of time away from the day to day distractions to think about what you need.

If you’d like to throw some ideas around, or just talk through your thoughts on any aspect of your marketing, please don’t hesitate to contact us at team@thecollectivegroup.co.uk or telephone 01202 682322.

6 Good Reasons to Retain a Marketing Agency

Simon Harrison

Simon Harrison

4 min read – 

How good an idea is a marketing agency retainer?

For many small to medium sized businesses, the cost of investment in a marketing team, or even just one marketing professional, often outweighs the benefit he/she can bring to the business.

What’s the alternative? You either persuade/cajole/bribe someone to take on marketing tasks alongside their day job (never a good idea if you want to get any meaningful marketing work done) or you seek the help of a marketing agency.

So now you’ve got two options: you can either work with one or more agencies on a project by project basis, or you can take the plunge and bring an agency on board on a retainer basis.

Here are 6 reasons why this latter option might be a good idea:



Let’s talk numbers. With a regular contract on offer, there’s a good chance you can negotiate either a better deal on services, or a discounted cost, than if you were paying the agency ad hoc. Repeat business is good news for any other organisation, even more so when it is guaranteed for a length of time, so the chances are high on you securing a ‘deal’.


By having the same agency ‘on tap’ each month they will quickly develop a working knowledge of your business and can add value to your marketing activities. It’s all about building trust between the two parties that can only benefit you in the long run.


With a monthly arrangement in place you will be in pole position for when you need that quick piece of design doing, or a photoshoot at a moments’ notice. They’ll be no “we can’t fit you in today” – or there shouldn’t be!


How often do you struggle to communicate your ideas to an Agency? And how often do you have to wait a couple of days for them to call you back? Retaining an agency just takes away these headaches with easy communication channels established, be it by telephone, email or on-site visits. Plus the chances are you’ll have a dedicated project manager looking after you.


If you get the right agency on board, this can open up opportunities with regard to the flexibility of marketing services. With a traditional agency retainer agreement, usually the agency will offer a set amount of services per month and because the cost is based on that arrangement, changing it can be difficult. As an alternative, some agencies can offer more flexible arrangements (such as a credits-based system) that help you to switch between services as you need them, thus giving you all the flexibility of an in-house marketing employee, but without the cost.


And finally, and perhaps most importantly, you know when you keep meaning to do something but your day job gets in the way? With a retained agreement in place, especially with an agency worth its salt, you will always have that encouragement in your ear to finish that project or start that campaign. After all, from an agency’s perspective, they will need to demonstrate their value for when it comes around to renewal date, so it’s worth their while to keep on top of the marketing plan.

The biggest advantage we believe in, and hear most from our clients, is ‘Peace of mind’ – just knowing they can call on us to carry out their marketing activities whenever they need it. And sometimes we’ll do it before they realise they need it.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on marketing agency retainer agreements, good or bad! Let us know your experiences.

And if you’d like to hear more about our different approach to retainer agreements, please get in touch simon@thecollectivegroup.co.uk or telephone 01202 682322